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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Winter Scenes

5th graders created winter scenes. They added birch trees and a split rail fence to create the look of an Ohio landscape. We discussed adding texture to our trees by creating horizontal black lines with corrigated cardboard. We used chalk pastels to create a blended skyline with either warm or cool colors. We discussed that colors that are next to eachother on the color wheel, such as warm colors, blend together to create new hues. We used colored pencils to create a split rail fence on the horizon line. We discussed atmospheric perspective; students tried to create a foreground, middleground, and background. To create the illusion of things moving back in space, some made their split rail fences extra small. The next step was to create a shadow for all our trees. This helped to give our artwork a more realistic quality. The final step was to use a spray bottle of white tempera and water. This made it look like snow was falling from the sky. I used a short prezi presentation to show students some examples of atmospheric perspective. You can check it out here